
Hoi4 fascist usa guide
Hoi4 fascist usa guide

On another note, being completely unable to do any interesting focuses before FDR is voted out of office is just boring. I was trying to prioritize the extra tech slots, and it doesn't seem like America wanting to be neutral at first 100% contradicts them becoming fascist. Now I'm stuck having put about 10 hours into a game only to realize that it's impossible to actually do my goal.

hoi4 fascist usa guide

I guess they're supposed to be mutually exclusive, but that's not shown very clearly in the UI.

hoi4 fascist usa guide

Looking at the focuses in more detail, I'm guessing it's because there are several focuses that require 95% democratic support and the America First focus gives 5% fascist support. Have people tried out the fascist USA path? I just ran into a problem where I finally unlocked the fascist demagogue advisor, only to realize that actually employing him requires me to not have signed the neutrality act earlier.

Hoi4 fascist usa guide